High card, One pair, Two pair, Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Four of a kind, Straight Flush, Royal Flush, Full House. 大的散牌,一对,两对,三条,顺子,同花,四条,同花顺,皇家同花顺,葫芦。
Towards four o'clock the sky in front of him began to flush pink and golden. acid or granitic glass; usually dark, but transparent in thin pieces. 四点钟左右,他前面的一片天开始透露出淡红色和金黄色的光彩。酸性或花岗石类玻璃,通常为黑色,但片状时透明。
Four experts on mobile developing and flush type system were present on the opening day. 开放日迎来了四位移动开发和嵌入式系统的专家。